At Operation M.I.S.T., we help women use technology to make data-driven health decisions so they can have healthier motherhood journeys and avoid unnecessary complications during pregnancy and following delivery.

meet the founder
Dr. Katherine Sylvester
The Mommy Monitor
Dr. Kat is a physical therapist, certified VBAC doula, wife, and mother of two. Each birth led her closer to Operation M.I.S.T. She delivered both of her children at home in a tub with the same midwife and a doula present each time.
After birthing her son, she developed two programs to help women show up to pregnancy as healthy as possible and recover without encountering urine leakage, pain with intercourse, core weakness, muscle imbalance or heart issues immediately following delivery or in the future.
After the birth of her daughter, she experienced postpartum preeclampsia and it was her midwife’s knowledge of her norms that allowed her to detect the preeclampsia while her blood pressure was 128/78 mmHg. The OB who took over her care afterwards said that due to her skin color, geographical location and age and based on the people he encountered like her before, she likely had high blood pressure pre-pregnancy, would not follow up with a primary care doctor if she had one, would never get off of blood pressure medication or have normal kidneys and that her body was not fit to have more children. Needless to say, assumptions like his fuel the maternal health crisis.
Nevertheless, through the use of a smart device that helped guide her sleep habits, food consumption, daily activities, exercise regimen and stress management and with a self-selected dream team that consisted of a physical therapist, kidney doctor, MD, pharmacist, prayer warriors, family members and friends, she was off of blood pressure medicine within a couple of weeks and her kidneys healed within nine months.

Shortly thereafter, she wrote for a grant, won it, purchased smart watches and sent them all across the country. She recruited Dr. Jessica Thompson to monitor pregnant women with her and bring the vision of Operation M.I.S.T. to life. During that time, they helped women modify their lifestyles to have healthier pregnancies, detect issues between office visits, avoid unnecessary medical interventions and advocate for necessary ones and recover following delivery without complications.
Katherine does not believe in assumptions, protocol-driven care or generalized interventions. She believes that women’s motherhood journeys are as unique as their fingerprints and should be treated as such. She knows that women’s bodies were designed to give birth and that the creation of an internal and external environment where they and their baby can thrive is the best gift she can give them. From the bottom of her heart, she is grateful for every opportunity she and her team are given to shower moms with love while empowering them to live!
Dr. Jessica Thompson PT, DPT – Physical Therapist
Dr. Jessica Thompson is a physical therapist and CEO of Generational Health Physical Therapy and Wellness LLC-a mobile practice that was created to give women access to the one-on-one care they deserve. Through podcasts, social media, community outreach and Operation M.I.S.T., she equips women with the education they need to ensure that healthcare happens through them, not to them.
You can contact Dr. Thompson directly and learn more about her on Instagram @drjt_thepelvicpt and through her website at
Dr. Tionna Harris PT, DPT
Tionna Harris is a physical therapist, wife and mother of three who has worked with children for most of her career. She was monitored by Operation M.I.S.T. during her most recent pregnancy and became very aware of how much women are not told about pregnancy and delivery. She also reflected on how much control she gave up during her previous pregnancies and how it influenced the outcomes of those pregnancies. She chose to join the Operation M.I.S.T. team as a monitor so she can equip and empower women before, during and after pregnancy to exercise full control over their individual health journeys.
Dr. Ambra Brown PT, DPT
Dr. Ambra Brown is a mother, physical therapist and Certified Pregnancy Health Coach. She empowers women of all backgrounds to take charge of their health and the health of their baby. She believes that by having tools, evidence-based resources, and motivation, women can have a healthy experience throughout all stages of pregnancy and beyond.
You can contact Dr. Ambra Brown directly and learn more about her on Instagram @drambrahealthcoach and through her website at
Patricia Prime, RN, IBCLC – Certified Postpartum Doula and Lactation Consultant
Patricia Prime has been a registered nurse since 1992 and is an International board-certified lactation consultant and CAPPA Certified Postpartum Doula. She has worked with expecting families since 2003. She currently serves the Middle Georgia and Atlanta areas. She is a firm believer that it takes a village to support a mom and she provides the best village anyone could ever ask for.
You can contact Patricia Prime directly to immerse yourself in the love and knowledge she has to offer and learn more about her through her website at
Stephanie Curtis, CNM, DNP – Certified Nurse Midwife
Stephanie Curtis is an Advanced Practice Midwife with special training and skill in childbirth assistance and treating mothers and infants before, during, and after pregnancy. She earned her Doctorate of Nursing Practice in Nurse Midwifery at the University of Florida.
Stephanie currently practices at The Midwife Group and Birth Center in Savannah, GA. If you want a peace of mind during delivery and to be treated by the best of the best, look no further.
Dr. Omotola Oluyide, PharmD – Pharmacist
Dr. Omotola Oluyide graduated from Mercer University in 2010. She is strategic, detail-oriented and committed to providing people with the information they need to make informed decisions. She is a lifelong learner and, in our unbiased opinion, the best pharmacist in existence.
Dr. Stephanie James, MD
Dr. Stephanie James graduated from Ross University School of Medicine in 2014. She specializes in Family Medicine and Obstetrics & Gynecology and currently practices as a general practitioner in Lawrenceville, GA. She is kind, generous and brilliant and when it comes to caring for patients, she takes the time to get to know them individually and cares for them as if they were members of her family.
If you are in need of a general practitioner who is second to none, you can book an appointment with Dr. James by calling 770-962-6443.