MIST for Dads

Protect the woman you love and your unborn child with Operation M.I.S.T.
You don’t have to wonder how she feels. Her data will tell you.
You don’t have to wonder what to do. Her M.I.S.T. monitor will be your guide.
You don’t have to feel bad about not being able to relate to everything. She will be part of a community of women who can.
Black women and infants are 2-3x more likely to die during childbirth and in the year following delivery than White women.
With us monitoring and you physically with her, you can make all the difference.
With your guidance, I was able to help my wife eat healthier and get off of her blood pressure medication. Weight has just fallen off-even her doctors were shocked! I love the monitoring and how you shoot her text messages to give her the heads up that something’s going on. It’s very good to have those metrics to be able to validate how she’s feeling then adjust accordingly. She is able to manage her responsibilities better and I am able to know exactly how I can help her. We are much healthier as a family and are so much more prepared for our pregnancy this time around.
~ Nick Ndetti
I was excited about my wife having a network that she trusted who also had healthcare expertise and a general love for her. We didn’t know anything the first two pregnancies. I was very Ill-equipped. We took a more passive role and the aftermath was extremely detrimental in terms of looking back and not being able to say we did all that we could. That is a significant difference from the first pregnancy to this one because while we ended up doing a c-section still, there is a lot of peace about it because of the amount of effort and work that was put in up front. During this pregnancy, particularly because we had the monitoring, it was easier for me to hear what she was saying; my support looked different this time-more empathetic than it has in the past.
~ Mark Harris
What you guys are doing is something I wish I had years ago. My wife had a lot of challenges with her pregnancy and she was diagnosed with preeclampsia. If we would have had what you have created with Operation M.I.S.T., maybe my wife could have had our babies the way she wanted to instead of the way she was forced to. During my wife’s pregnancies, outside of doing what the doctor specifically said to do, I didn’t know what to do-I felt powerless. I was trying to be attentive and watch her and be what I thought she needed, and most of the time, I was getting it wrong. Now, I feel powerful because I am able to support my wife in a way I wasn’t able to before and I still don’t get it perfect, but I’m better and we’re better as a result.
~ Arthur Toole