More than a Period Parties:
The sex ed you should have had

Learn your body so you can trust, prepare and protect it throughout all phases of womanhood.
You provide the location, we provide the education.
We’re throwing myths out the window and diving deep into the real deal about periods, baby-making, and fertility. Say goodbye to awkwardness as we talk about your amazing lady parts and spill the beans on how babies are actually made. Get the proper knowledge on the four fertility phases and learn to keep tabs on your cycle like a pro. We’re even getting hands-on by mixing cervical fluids to tell the norm from the not-so-norm.
With attendees ranging from 7-51 in age, moms and daughters learning together, and ladies being transparent about their experiences, this is the ultimate truth bombs, giggles, and ‘aha’ moments bash – where taboo turns into ‘let’s talk’!
Things we'll discuss:
- The difference between the vagina and the vulva
- 5 functions of the muscles between your hips
- Why some women leak and others don’t
- How to prevent and achieve pregnancy
- Lifestyle factors that can impact your experience with your cycle and fertility
- Changes that take place in your body during pregnancy and afterwards
- Office parties
- School Functions
- Sorority gatherings
- Church groups
- Ladies nights
- Bachelorette parties
- Business retreats
To book an event, get pricing information, ask questions, or get guidance on your journey to motherhood, please contact us at 478-254-0122 or at
"I learned so much about my body"
"This should be taught in every middle school"
"I wish we had something like this when I was growing up"
"I've had several children and didn't know a lot of this stuff"